The Evolution of GTM: from scrappy releases to iconic keynotes 🛠→🏆

In Part 2 of our series on How Leading Tech Companies Launch Products we explore how the GTM and launch strategies evolve as companies like Airbnb, Stripe, Figma and Duolingo grow

👋 Hi, it’s Naiomi and Erik and welcome to Demand our weekly newsletter to help you become a top 1% marketer. Subscribe to join marketing leaders from companies such as Apple, Google, Shopify, Canva, Airbnb, Square, and numerous YC startups:

This is the second article in our series on how leading tech companies launch products.

Part 1 | PLAN: Start with the end in mind 🧠

  • Foundational go to market frameworks underpinning product launches

Part 2 | EVOLVE: How launch strategies evolve as companies grow (☝️ this post)

  • We’ll cover how launches differ by company stage including investment level 

Part 3 | CONSUMER: How leading consumer companies launch products ❤️

  • Launch examples from companies such as Airbnb, Apple, Cash App, and Duolingo

Part 4 | B2B: How leading B2B companies launch products 🚀

  • Launch examples from companies such as Stripe, Shopify, Figma, and Canva

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Q: What makes a great launch great? How is the go to market and launch rhythm different for an emerging start-up vs. a mature player? What are the key elements which are similar and what are the elements that differ? What frameworks and principles guide major launches across size and type of company? 

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